View Procedure

Procedure NameGranting permission to import special-use machinery and equipment for the tobacco industry


Procedure for licensing 

Responsible Agency

Ministry of Industry and Trade

Legal basis of the Procedure                

Processing time

Within 07 working days from the reception of the sufficient and valid dossier




Required documents


Type of documents


 Written request for permission of the Ministry of Industry of Trade to import the machinery and equipment. 


Written approval of investment plan 


Investment project 


Approved documents of relevant projects (if any)


Process Steps

Step 1

The enterprise shall submit one (01) set of dossier of request for the import of special-use machinery and equipment for the tobacco industry to the Ministry of Industry and Trade

Step 2

Within 10 days from the reception of the sufficient and valid dossier, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall reply in writting to the enterprise. In case of refusal, it shall clearly state relevat reasons.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
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This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Condition for Imports of machinery, equipment and specialized tobacco Licensing RequirementMinistry of Industry and TradeAny enterprise that imports machinery and equipment for tobacco manufacturing must satisfy the requirements below: a) The License to manufacture tobacco or License to process tobacco ingredients is obtained; b) The imported machinery and equipment for tobacco manufacturing are suitable for the capacity of the enterprise, which is announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade; c) The investment policies (if any) are approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.The list of specialized machinery and equipment for tobacco is promulgated by MOIT in Circular 21/2013/TT-BCT Decree 67/2013/ND-CP dated June 27, 2013 elaborating some articles and measures for implementation the law on tobacco harm prevention applicable to tobacco trading31-12-9999Good