
Enterprises accompanying digital transformation


 Digital transformation is a solution to help businesses overcome difficulties, recover and rise during the Covid-19 pandemic and this is also the inevitable development direction of businesses in the future. Therefore, supporting businesses in digital transformation needs the companionship of many parties.

Updated on : 11-09-2022

Enterprises accompanying digital transformation


Businesses always need companionship for smooth digital transformation. Source: Internet.
Businesses always need companionship for smooth digital transformation. Source: Internet.

Many people think that business in the 4.0 technology era is no longer a "big fish" that swallows a "small fish" but a time of "fast fish" that swallows a "slow fish". Therefore, most businesses have been accelerating the digital transformation to not only cope with difficulties caused by the impact of Covid-19, but also to survive, recover and grow stronger.

According to Nguyen Trong Duong, Deputy Director General in charge of the Corporate Management Department, Ministry of Information and Communications, a survey showed that 47% of Vietnamese enterprises consider digital transformation to the digital environment an urgent need. Level 2 digital transformation enterprises are twice as productive and profitable as those without digital transformation. He also said that $3.1 trillion will be added to the GDP of the ASEAN region by 2024 if digital transformation is promoted for the small and medium-sized business sector. This process in Vietnam is expected to increase GDP by US$30 billion.

However, according to Dinh Thi Thuy, General Director of MISA Joint Stock Company, businesses face two barriers, one is human resources, the other is choosing solutions to deploy the digital platform into use.

Thuy also said that digital transformation means that businesses must apply digital platforms, artificial intelligence in business activities, if they just stop using computer software, it is only a premise for digitizing.

Le Van The, General Director of Vietnam Engineering and Construction Company Techgroup said, for small and medium-sized enterprises, the common difficulties in the digital transformation process are budget issues and lack of specialized personnel. In addition, many businesses are still struggling, not knowing what to do and how to continue in the digital transformation process.

Timely support

The Ministry of Information and Communications is currently promoting the implementation of the Program to Support Small and Medium Enterprises in Digital Transformation (SMEdx) 2022.

According to the plan, the Ministry will select excellent digital platforms to support small and medium businesses, with the goal of having 30,000 businesses supported in digital transformation. In addition, a new feature of SMEdx in 2022 is a set of tools to assess the level of digital transformation of businesses (DBI), which helps to assess the readiness and level of digital transformation of the common enterprises, production and business establishments across the country.

Thereby, businesses can actively rely on the status quo, compare them with the criteria in this set of indicators, thereby determining the internal digital transformation situation.

Not only the support from the authorities, businesses also have the support to develop together, with preferential prices because they are all "Make in Vietnam" products. Financial services are the services that businesses want to apply digital transformation and use the most frequently. Therefore, many technology businesses have launched tools, applications and platforms for businesses to use.

For example, MISA Joint Stock Company has come up with a solution to improve the level of digital transformation of businesses through the unified corporate governance platform MISA AMIS - a solution that meets the criteria in the DBI index, helping many businesses of many sizes from micro to large. The platform includes comprehensive digital transformation solutions in the fields of finance - accounting, marketing, management and business operations. In addition, MISA also provides the MISA ASP service accounting platform to help connect businesses wishing to hire accounting services with accounting service providers at a reasonable cost for small businesses, micro and business households can use.

Regarding business support, Dinh Thi Thuy said that MISA is committed to accompanying businesses in digital transformation, especially small and medium enterprises. These tools can help businesses with a need to build a clear digital transformation plan and commit to a roadmap and implementation schedule, businesses of all sizes have the right package as well as a team of professional consultants.

Similarly, to help businesses promote digital transformation in general, recently, Bkav Technology Group has launched a total solution set of Bkav DX digital conversion platforms. The set of solutions can be deployed for both Government and business sectors, helping to change the operating method, from the traditional based on a single business to one based on data.

But for successful digital transformation, Dinh Thi Thuy said that the most important thing is a change in the mindset of business owners. When business owners have changed their awareness and determination for digital transformation, they should choose reputable digital technology businesses to be able to advise businesses and assess where their digital transformation situation is going.

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