
Need to manage import and export goods via e-commerce


E-commerce is an inevitable trend in the fourth industrial revolution period (Revolution 4.0) of countries around the world, and Vietnam is also in this trend. However, in management, there are no specific customs procedures for import and export goods via e-commerce.

Updated on : 06-09-2019

Need to manage import and export goods via e-commerce

At a recent conference held by Ha Noi Customs Department, Song Binh Trading and Service Co., Ltd reflected on the problem that there are no regulations in customs procedures for goods imported via e-commerce transactions and sent via express delivery services. Thereby, the implementation of Customs procedures for imported goods through this form is carried out as customs procedures for normal goods. The company proposed the General Department of Vietnam Customs soon issue specific regulations on customs procedures for goods imported and exported via e-commerce.

The problems of the company are common and urgent in the present time. Therefore, in the Government’s Decision 1254/QD-TTg on on approval of the action plan to promote the National Single Window, ASEAN Single Window, reform of specialised inspection for export and import goods and trade facilitation for 2018-2020, the Ministry of Finance was assigned to chair in developing a scheme on e-commerce management for imported and exported goods to provide the best solutions in managing for this activity.

In the cross-border e-commerce management, the General Department of Vietnam Customs also analysed problems faced by management agencies to each relevant agency. For problems faced by the Customs authority such as the number of shipments with small quantity and low value increases rapidly, it needs appropriate resources to ensure processing time and fast customs clearance; insufficient information, inaccurate declaration and lack of compliance records of buyers because buyers are not regular buyers; difficulties in control and preventing violations and trade fraud.

For agencies managing e-commerce activities, the number of e-transaction floors and websites has sharply increased, so management faces many difficulties if they have no advanced management measures; the control for goods infringing the intellectual property and counterfeit goods is also a difficult problem.

For specialised management agencies, goods of each shipment with small quantity, thus specialised management agencies have insufficient resources to inspect; goods buyers do not have deep knowledge on goods and specialised inspection, so they face difficulties in applying for permits.

For management agencies on payment and guarantee mechanisms and the number of large transaction floors, the State management agencies cannot control all transactions and orders and consistency between actual payment and orders.

The development of e-commerce is an inevitable trend, thus State management agencies need to issue regulations for the management to prevent the situation that parties participating in e-commerce transactions want to comply with regulations but there are no regulations for implementation. Although many documents issued, regulations are insufficient and incomprehensive, e-commerce activity still faces difficulties.

The outstanding features of cross-border e-commerce are quick transaction time and convenience in payment and receipt of goods. Thereby, management agencies need to reform towards simplification, coherence, transparency and find management measures to release goods quickly while still meeting requirements of law compliance.

Currently, the draft scheme has been researched by the General Department of Vietnam Customs to propose management solutions and develop legal framework for e-commerce activities for import and export goods. The goal is to provide solutions to manage e-commerce activities for import and export goods to ensure the comprehensive management of the State in e-commerce, improve the operational efficiency of the State management agencies to ensure close control and compliance with the law and prevent abusing e-commerce activities to evade taxes and infringe commodity policies, intellectual property, origin and transport banned goods into Vietnam and vice versa.

In addition, the scheme has provided solutions to facilitate the development of e-commerce activities from the simplification of customs procedures, procedures related to specialised inspection and protection of interests of Vietnamese legitimate enterprises and consumers. The General Department of Vietnam Customs has consulted local customs units and relevant agencies on the scheme. The problems, obstacles in managing, experience of countries in the world and management solutions have been discussed.

Currently, in Vietnam, there are e-commerce floors such as Lazada, Tiki, Shopee, Sendo and Adayroi. The growth rate of e-commerce websites is high, which shows Vietnamese consumers are no longer strange to buying goods on e-commerce transaction floors. In addition, in big cities, consumers also are interested in buying goods via e-commerce floors in the world such as Ebay and Amazon.

Source: Customs News

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