Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions relating to the Viet Nam Trade Information Portal (VTIP) and its Content. If you do not find an answer to your question below, please let us know by clicking on Contact us and completing the form provided.

Q. Can I obtain information on market background, business partnerships and list of import-export companies in Viet Nam on VTIP?

VTIP provides information regarding tariff, laws, regulations, and procedures for import, export and transit in Vietnam.

If you would like to have information about potential business partnerships, list of export-export companies or business opportunities, we recommend that you contact Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) or Ministry of Planning and Investment or Ministry of Industry and Trade.  On their websites you will find information about business opportunities in Viet Nam and contact details.

Q. Can I look up the Viet Nam Customs Tariff on-line?

Yes.  The complete commodity classification and tariffs applicable in Viet Nam are loaded on VTIP.  

Please click here to search and view the tariffs.

Q. What is an HS Code and how can I find the HS Code for my commodity?

In international trade each product is assigned a particular classification code using the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System or simply Harmonized System (HS). The HS is the universal economic language and code for goods authored by the World Customs Organization (WCO). 

You can search by Commodity Code on VTIP by clicking on “Commodity and Tariff” on the Menu Bar on the right hand side of most pages of VTIP to find the applicable HS Code for your goods.

Please click here to know more about HS codes.

Q. What are the requirements for the general importation of goods in to Viet Nam?

A properly filed Declaration Form must be provided. Please click here to know more details.

Q. What is Customs duty?

Customs Duty is the charge levied on imports and listed in the tariff schedules. Duties may be specific or ad valorem or a combination of the two (ad valorem with a specific minimum, or the greater of the two).

Customs Duty is charged under the Customs Law, the Law on Import and Export Tax and other government decrees. Customs authorities collect taxes on imported and exported goods, and apply measures to ensure the correct and full collection of taxes and other amounts payable in accordance with the laws on taxes, charges and fees and other corresponding regulations of law.

Q. Can you advise the duty rate to import or export goods into or from Viet Nam?

The duty rates can be found by searching the commodities list for the particular goods you are to import and export.

Please click here to perform this search.

Q. What are the different Customs Duties?

Please click here to see various Customs duties applicabe in Viet Nam.

Q. Do I always need to get an import/export license before importing/exporting goods in Viet Nam?

No. An import or export licence is not compulsory for many commodities. However, there are specific types of goods that require an import/export permit before transactions.

Please click here to see the list of the goods that are subject to these requirements.

Q. Is there any prohibition or restriction on import - export of goods? Which commodities are subject to those restrictions?

Yes. See the list of goods prohibited from import - export, and click here for the list of goods which is subject to specific license and specialized inspection procedures.

Q. What are Technical Barriers to import and export?

As a member of the World Trade Organization, Viet Nam has to follow the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. There are three types of technical barriers:

Technical Regulations are mandatory technical requirements for importers and exporters (mandatory compliance requirement).

Technical Standards are the technical requirements to be approved by an organization that has been recognized; and

Conformity Assessment Procedure This is the process of assessing the suitability of a commodity with the regulations and technical criteria.

Q. Do I have to use a Customs Broker for importing or exporting commercial goods?

No.  However, using a Customs Broker should ensure that all regulatory requirements are properly discharged and may save unnecessary delays . Customs brokers and customs broker employees shall exercise the rights and perform the obligations of customs declarants as prescribed in the Customs Law of Vietnam. Please click here for more information.

Q. What is an Import eManifest?

Please click here for Import eManifest.

Q. Can I clear my goods at any Customs office in Viet Nam or do they have to be cleared at a specific Customs office?

You must clear the goods at the Customs office where the Customs authorities receive, register and verify customs documents and conduct physical inspection of goods.

Places of inspection are at the land border checkpoints, international railway stations, international civil airports; international post offices; seaports, ICDs (Inland Customs Depots) and inland waterway ports where import, export, exit, entry and transit operation are carried out; inland ports of importation or exportation of goods.

Q . Do I have to submit my Customs declaration through VNACCS or can I continue to prepare it manually?

VNACCS (Viet Nam Automated Cargo Clearance System) is the GDVC automatic customs clearance system. If you are importing and exporting goods through the check points you must enter your eDeclaration into the VNACCS system. A manually prepared declaration is no longer acceptable, except for travellers. Please visit GDVC website for more details.

Q. Who can be registered on VNACCS?

Any individual or company that regularly declares commercial goods movements to Viet Nam Customs.

Please click here to register on VNACCS.

Q. How can I sign up to use digital signatures in e-customs procedures?

To register digital signatures in e-customs procedures, enterprises must have a digital signature provided by the licensed service provider (by the Ministry of Information and Communications). Once you have a digital signature, you have to register at Customs portal.

Q. What do I need to import animals?

Import permits from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) are required to import animals into Viet Nam. Please visit MARD website for more information.

Q. How do I import into and Export from an Export Processing Zone?

Please click here for detailed procedures for import, and click here for detailed procedures for export.

Q.  What is the procedure for Export and Import of samples?

Please click here to check with sampling procedures on VTIP.

Q. We have exported in a foreign currency which does not appear in the Customs list. How can we calculate the foreign exchange received for discharging our export obligations?

In such cases, the total realized value in VN Dong should be converted into USD by using the USD or Vietnam Dong exchange rate prevailing on the date of realisation as published daily by the State Bank of Vietnam.

Q. What should I do if I disagree with a decision made by Customs?

If you disagree with a decision made by Customs, based on Article 18 of Custom Law on the rights and obligations of Customs declarants, you can request GDVC  to re-verify your goods in the case that such goods have not been granted clearance. Please consult the Customs Law for more details.

Q. Which are the major FTAs of Viet Nam?

Please click here to find the list of FTAs.

Q.  What is the procedure for obtaining the certificate of origin?

Please visit the National Single Window or the websites of VCCI or Ministry of Industry and Trade for more details.

Q.  How much is the goods duty-free limit for goods sent by courier? 

Decree 134/2016/ND-CP provides detailed guidance on a number of articles of Law No. 107/2016/QH13 on Export and Import Duty has a chapter guiding on exemption, deduction and refund of duties. According to Decree 134, the tax exemption for goods sent via courier service is applied for goods with customs value of up to VND 1 million, or if the amount of tax payable is less than VND 100,000. Goods with total customs value under VND 500,000 or total amount of import and export duties to be paid less than VND 50,000 are also exempted from import and export duties.  

Q. Are goods imported for the production of goods to be exported exempted from customs duty? 

Yes. From 01 Sept 2016, goods imported for processing or export production are exempted from customs duty.

Q. Are goods for diplomatic missions exempted from duty?

Yes. All goods and vehicles for diplomatic missions approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are exempted from Customs duty. 

Q. Do I need to fill in a Customs Declaration when I arrive in Viet Nam at an international airport or border crossing?

No. You can just walk through the Nothing to Declare - Green Channel. If you are carrying goods in excess of the duty free allowance or if you are in doubt you must walk through the Red Channel and declare the goods to the Customs Officer on duty. At some airports you can see Green and Red flash lights, which represent Green and Red Channels. If you are doubt about this, please ask Customs officers at the airports. 

Click here for more information.

Q. What are the duty free allowances for travellers when entering Viet Nam?

Click here to view the duty free allowances when entering Viet Nam.

Q. Can I bring personal belongings into Viet Nam if I am taking up residence and will they be subject to duty?

Generally, personal effects (except for motor vehicles/cars) are exempted from Customs duties as long as they are not of a commercial nature and within the prescribed limit of 01 item (or set) as stated in Decision 31/2015/QD-TTg dated 4 August 2015.

For overseas Vietnamese who are permitted to register permanent residence in Vietnam, the policy for import of automobiles and motorcycles as personal effects is stipulated in Circular 20/2014/TT-BTC dated 12 February 2014.

If you are in doubt about the eligibility of certain items you should contact Customs.

Q. Can I bring food or plant materials into Viet Nam?

Yes, as long as they conform to the laws and regulations regarding these materials. 

Click here to view the laws, regulations, etc. and look for specific requirements or click here to search for any specific measures that may be applicable.

Q. Does livestock need to be quarantined when brought into Viet Nam?

Not necessarily.  When you obtain an import permit from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development you will be advised of whether this is a requirement.

Q.  We are a foreign company who is interested in executing a project for a Vietnamese Company. Can we open a project office in Viet Nam?

Please visit the website of Ministry of Planning and Investment for more details.

Q.  How do I get a TIN number?

A company Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN) number is a provided by city or provincial Taxation Department, General Department of Taxation under Ministry of Finance of Viet Nam. Click Here to visit the website of the General Department of Taxation for further guidance.

Q. Where can I find more FAQs?

For more questions & answers regarding import, export and customs procedures, you can access GDVC website (click here). You can also visit following agencies for more FAQs:

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